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Learning Today for Tomorrow

From Reception to Year 6, pupils take part in a rich and varied computing curriculum at Cofton. The curriculum allows them to explore coding, information processing, presentation and sharing, along with critical digital literacy skills and online safety.  We are very fortunate to have a specialist Computing teacher who works across school with all of our pupils in our Computing Suite. 


We invest heavily in Computing equipment. As well as our Computing Suite, we have 4 trolleys with full class sets of laptops and 3 trolleys of i-pads.  We know that many future jobs will rely on our pupils having excellent Computing skills. 

You can support your child's learning at home too. 

Below are examples of the resources and applications we use with some starters to getting going. Where possible, links to download the various applications are supplied. 

Please to note that these links are to external sites, so we have no control of the content on them. 


Scratch is a block-based coding platform that is appropriate for pupils in Key Stage 1 all the way through to secondary school. 

Tutorials can be found on the ScratchEdTeam YouTube channel. 

It can be used online or downloaded and installed onto your PC. 



Kodu is a coding platform to create immersive, 3d games. It's very easy to use but needs installing on a PC or XBox first. 

Tutorials can be found within the application itself, but also on the official Kodu website

You can download and install it here


Purple Mash

Purple Mash is an excellent tool for pupils across the school, but especially for Key Stage 1 as it strips applications such as word processors, spreadsheets and databases down to a simple, easy-to-get-to-grips-with programme. 

You can also animate, create music and videos and do rudimentary coding within.

Pupils each have a password given to them. 

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