Meet Our Staff
At Cofton, we have a dedicated team of school staff comprised of teachers, learning support assistants, sports coaches, office staff, site staff and breakfast and lunchtime supervisors. We supplement this by buying in specialist providers of Music, Dance, History, Drama etc ... In addition, we work closely with specialist staff from Pupil and School Support Service (PSS), the Communication and Autism Team (CAT), the Educational Psychology Service, the City of Birmingham School (COBS) and the School Nurse.
Staffing (2024-25)
Head Teacher: Mrs D Dudt (Deputy Designated Senior Lead for Safeguarding/SPOC/LAC and Data Protection Lead)
Deputy Head Teacher: Mr A Davies (Designated Senior Lead for Safeguarding/Mental Health Lead)
Assistant Head Teacher: Mr T Bentley (Deputy Designated Senior Lead for Safeguarding/Behaviour Lead)
SENDCo: Ms H Bray (Deputy Designated Senior Lead for Safeguarding/Lead for Medical Needs)
Early Years:
Acorn: Mrs M Clayton and Miss R Dutton (EYFS Leaders)
Key Stage One:
Y1 Beech:Mrs V Moore and Mrs D Sandhu
Y1 Birch: Mrs A Neild
Y2 Cherry: Miss A Keith
Y2 Cedar: Miss K Gardiner
Key Stage Two:
Y3 Elm: Mrs C Leadbetter / Mrs L Hoey
Y3 Elder: Mrs R Hanson / Mrs P Tea
Y4 Holly: Mrs J Andrews / Mrs H Fleming
Y4 Hazel: Miss C Talbot
Y5 Larch: Mr T Bentley (Key Stage Two Leader and Assistant Head Teacher)
Y5 Lime: Mrs V Wall
Y6 Oak A: Ms S Chohan
Y6 Oak B: Mr G Setchell
Computing Teacher: Mrs L Hoey
Learning Support Assistants:
Acorn: Mrs N Workman, Mrs N Bridgen
Key Stage 1: Mrs D Brown, Mrs V Harwood, Mr M Hough, Mrs A Lynch
Key Stage 2: Mrs M Dowen (HLTA), Mrs J Ashmore, Miss E Wilkes, Mrs G Unwin and Mrs K Simkin
IT Manager: Mr H Janjua
Sports Coach: Mr C O'Hanlon
Lunchtime Supervisors: Mrs K Powell, Ms L Aizlewood (Relief), Mrs B Hibbert, Ms T Cox, Mrs F Zammit, Mrs A Trevis, Mrs D Martin,
Mr M Fall, Mrs S Hughes (Relief), Mrs S Nash, Ms L Haynes, Miss S Hydara, Mrs C Davis, Miss T Davies, Mrs R Carver, Miss A O'Neill and Mrs L Ryder (Relief).
Breakfast Club Supervisors: Mrs F Zammit, Mrs A Trevis and Mr C O'Hanlon
After School Club Supervisors: Mrs F Zammit and Mrs A Trevis
Senior Office Manager: Mr J Shattock (contact for general enquiries)
Administrative Staff: Miss A O'Hanlon (contact for general enquiries)
Miss L Haynes (contact for general enquiries)
Site Manager: Mr N Hartland
Cleaning Staff: Mrs S Jones & Mrs D Moss
Professional Development of Staff (2034-24)
The Staff were involved in a variety of training sessions last academic year, including: Safeguarding and Child Protection; Online Safety; PREVENT; Asthma; Epilepsy; Allergies; Diabetes; Special Educational Needs; Teaching and Learning; Behaviour; Leadership and Management; Reading Comprehension;Talk for Writing; Sounds Write; Mastery in Maths; PSHE (SCARF); History; Paediatric First Aid; Adult First Aid; Forest School; Food Hygiene - Level 2; Fire Marshall training etc.